Saturday, November 12, 2011

Balance in Diet and Posting

So turns out I burn out rather quickly. I can't believe it has already been two months. I've had lots of things on my mind which I would like to post about it but it takes quite a bit of time assembling those posts. That, and motivation. I have sort of lacked in these departments lately but I'm going to try, try again.

This blog, it appears, is symbolic of the average person. We try to eat healthy, we fall off the horse now and again, but the trick is to keep trying. So today my post is about balance and how to best balance different foods. Often when people ask me about how to eat healthy I like to use what is called the "Plate Method". Turns out the USDA has gotten on board with this method and have created to help people plan healthier diets.
I think the plate method has its origins in helping those with diabetes plan their foods better by balancing out their carbohydrates. So in the past the plates have had half of the plate filled with non-starchy vegetables and the fruit serving has been on the side, when it was planned.

I am fine with either graphic as the emphasis is that half or more of your plate would be best dedicated to fruits and vegetables. I love how this method helps you visualize better how you should be eating. None of this trying to mentally measure out cups and ounces of food that the website tries to get you to do. This is much simpler and therefore, much easier to adapt to real life. 

And I think that is going to be it for right now. Z just woke up and I have a house to clean up and a cold to recover from. I'll try to post soon a follow-up on other tools available at some of the USDA websites that are helpful for going more in depth into your diet. But I do like the visual plate as a starter tool to help you look at your own plates and see how they measure up.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the plate graphic. I was never a huge fan of the food pyramid.
